Monday 18 December 2017

What were you doing this time last year...?

I've commented before the blog, this blog is a great way to remind myself what I was doing in past years. As I come to think about this year, I like to do a resume post at the end of the year, I looked at what I was doing last December.

We were due to exchange on our property in early December last year, an optimistic target set by the people wanting our house no doubt with a Christmas occupation in mind. So we rather sportingly emptied the whole place into store in late November. The result was me coming back up to the Midlands at the beginning of December on a very clear frosty morning to live aboard again leaving an empty house in Derby.

I've said before living aboard in winter is a hard task, much more darkness than light, 24 hour stove operation  - a real test of the boats systems, however simple. Also a test of the boaters resolve. It does make me think sometimes how new boaters with the 100k plus boats with all the home comforts manage. I guess like most new things they operate well, but 5 years down the line ....?

It's not all bad of course, living so close to harsh nature is a real privilege, you are so aware of the seasons, the impending weather is always on your mind as is the changes going on daily  around you. It is also a feeling of being in a unique hardy club.

We also spent Christmas aboard which was nice  - even though I was down with flu and called by work Christmas day and in work on Boxing day.

So this year is so very different, but more of that in my year round up.

For now ... this is how I came to Percy last year ....

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